So my first month in Argentina was amazing with highlights such as visiting Villa Carlos Paz during my second week here and starting school. I attend Colegio Adoratrices which lies…
My name is Ambani, but people call me Dean. I am a 17-year-old from South Africa who has been granted an amazing opportunity to go on a student exchange. With…
April- Finally winter’s gone, the flowers are blooming and the land is looking fresh, lush and beautiful. Having no fences around most places helps me get to appreciate all of…
Today we are talking to Kalisa Ndamage, a South African AFSer who went on a year programme to the USA in 2014-2015. He will soon be returning to the USA,…
I’m Zeineb, an AFS student from Tunisia in China and I’m writing to talk you about my first month here. I’ve always wanted to be an exchange student and now…
This morning we left for work while the kids were still asleep. I left a note on the fridge saying, “Lunch is on the stove”. That is nothing unusual, except…
We gained a lot by hosting Davis for a year, this experience helped us understand that each culture is different, and that no culture is better or worse than any…